Home Is Where Your Heart Is

The question where are you from has always been my least favourite question. In my 11 months on this island when people ask me “Kom Mwet Oyac?” I always answer I’m from Ohio or “Nga Mwet Ohio”. Whilst, at least according to my driver’s license, this is true; I have never lived in Ohio for longer than 3 months at a time. So where am I from?

This is a complicated question as my mother is American and my father is Irish. I myself had lived in 7 different countries by the time I was 19. I do not necessarily consider myself to be from one place. Instead I consider myself to be an amalgamation of all of the different places I have lived in. 

Another common question I get asked is “So where is home”? To borrow a common phrase “Home is where your heart is”. My heart belongs to so many places. London, Akron, Ennistymon, Algiers, Richmond Indiana to name just a few. Kosrae, however, has also stolen a part of my heart.

Whilst there have been ups and downs during my time on this island I am so glad that my first 11 months here have gone the way they have gone. I have taught wonderful students who have made me laugh and sometime made me cry for joy (or frustration). I have explored waterfalls and snorkeling spots. I have competed in canoe races (and accidentally sunk a canoe in a harbor). I have been able to show my big sister around my new home. Most importantly I have gained a new family. My Kosraean family has been my rock during my Peace Corps service and I am so glad that I have them to support and guide me in my adventures. I am looking forward to these last 13 months of my service and the time we will spend together. Whilst I might not know where I am from, I know that I will always have a home on Kosrae.

P.S. I am working on a blog post about my summer adventure. It will be up soon.


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