Sunday on the Island of Angels

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, sky, outdoor and nature
Me and my fellow PCV Devon
getting ready to attend church 
It took me a while to get used to Sundays on Kosrae as there is a whole list of things that one can and cannot do. As far as I know there are only two things that are illegal to do on Sundays the first is drinking alcohol or being drunk, and the second is fishing or harvesting marine life. Both of these laws are taken very seriously to the extent that during communion (which I’ve been told only happens four times a year for the Kosraen Congregational Church) they drink Kool-Aid instead of wine. People caught by the police drinking on Sundays will find themselves spending a few hours in jail. There are also things that are heavily frowned upon such as: exercise, playing games, swimming in the ocean, cooking outside during daylight, crafting, loud noises, and working.  You are, however, allowed to swim in rivers and in my host family that is used as a special treat for birthdays that fall on Sundays. Most Sundays since I’ve been here I have spent reading a book, watching TV, talking to my friends or family back home, going to church, and/or sleeping.

If you are interested in learning more about the history of the church on Kosrae I would recommend you check out the book Island of Angels by Elden Buck.  

Sundays are an extremely holy day in Kosrae. There are two church services on Sundays, one at 10am and one at 4pm, and these last between 1 – 3 hours. Most families on the island attend at least one of these church services. The men sit on the right side of the church and the women sit on the left side. Island time does not apply to when the service starts however I find that people still trickle into the church up to half an hour into the service.


  1. I look forward to reading your blog! Life there is so different and interesting. What can I send you in your next package? Anything for your school like supplies or books? And anything you need? Love and miss you. Enjoy your wonderful experience ❤️ Love you, A. Sue & Scott


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